Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Mar. 2012, Purdue warmist Matthew Huber: "I get hate mail and death threats on a regular basis"; humans may need "to get small and skinny" to deal with CO2-induced heat; "most" of his nonscientist critics say that he wants to outlaw guns?

And You Thought That Heat Wave Was Bad?

At the point where the average global temperature rise hits 10°C, "even Siberia reaches values exceeding anything in the present-day tropics" and many populated parts of the globe might become, if habitable at all, places where the relatively affluent would likely find themselves "imprisoned" in air-conditioned spaces and where "power failures would become life-threatening." Lacking access to AC, the world's poor would have little choice but to flee. Even "modest" global warming, Huber and Sherwood conclude, could "expose large fractions of the population to unprecedented heat stress."

...MH: I get hate mail and death threats on a regular basis. I'm used to thatl...I have seen some commentary by nonscientists on blogs and most of them say that I'm just another "cap-and-tax" green freak who wants big government and to outlaw guns. 

...MJ: If we do ever reach 12 degrees warming, what might that look like on the ground? Give me your sci-fi movie scenario.

MH: My nightmare. I'm in Oklahoma on a hot summer day. Under a heat lamp. Running. Wrapped in plastic.

MJ: This could clearly be a selective biological pressure on humans. Would we end up eventually evolving to deal with greater heat, as you report that mammals did during the Eocene era?

MH: The most direct way for humans to respond physiologically, which would take thousands of years if at all (we are most likely to change our behaviors) is to get small and skinny, to decrease our volume and maximize our surface area so we can lose heat more effectively.

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